Friends of Midway Peace Park

OUR STORY: Friends of Midway Peace Park


OUR STORY is a complex and nuanced journey of civic engagement and community-based activism.  The efforts to create Midway Peace Park began, and were sustained throughout, because of community engagement.

Click through the slideshow on the right to learn more about the history of park championing for Midway Peace Park.

View the below films that documented our journey.


Filmmaking has been an important tool for Friends of Midway Peace Park to activate our community to support the park effort.  Our working title for the park was “Three Ring Gardens” based on community input and inspired by the Circus Hill history of the park.  This film sparked the initial community advocacy for the park effort, and helped build awareness that led toward the city connecting the effort with 8-80 Livability Funds, and the initial seed money of $1,500,000 that led to the Trust For Public Land’s involvement with the project.

GPHS student park advocates were invited to present at the Great River Gathering.  Students honored park advocates for their help on the park, and we were told that after this presentation, there was an uptick in private donor support for the park effort.

This video documented the “Park is Coming Event” on the property prior to construction.  Gordon Parks students & staff organized this event, and received support from TPL to pay for food, tent rental and entertainment.  For many of our students, this was the first time they were able to walk within the park space that they’d advocated for over many years.

Construction Kick Off

Civic-Engaged Storytelling

This is for you to create. Friends of Midway Peace Park encourages you to continue
the legacy of community empowerment that this park is firmly built on.

Midway Peace Park